A one-of-a-kind scholarship program
It all started with a letter from Barbara in Danvers, Mass.
Barbara wrote about her experience receiving the Homemaker of Tomorrow award at her high school in New Jersey back in 1958.
The Betty Crocker Search for the All-American Homemaker of Tomorrow, as it was officially known, was a one-of-a-kind scholarship program that ran from 1955 to 1977. When it began, organizers said the purpose of the program was “to focus national attention on the so-called ‘forgotten career’ of homemaking, and on the untiring job being done by America’s high schools to develop citizens and homemakers of the future.”
Scholarship money was awarded at the state and national level. The top winner from each state was flown to Washington D.C., where the national winners were chosen, following a week of competition. Local high school winners received a heart-shaped pin – something many of the recipients covet today.